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Web & Mobile App Development

Get the Most Out of Your App Project

Are you looking for a comprehensive solution for your web and mobile app development needs?  Look no further!  With years of experience, you can trust that our solutions are reliable and easy to use.

We use the latest technologies to ensure that your web and mobile apps are secure, highly optimised, and provide a great user experience.  With our help, your business will benefit from increased productivity, improved customer engagement, and ultimately more revenue.  Contact us today to get started with your web and mobile app development project.

Benefits of Web and Mobile App Development

At Prelude, we specialise in providing top-level web and mobile app development services.  Our experienced team of developers is skilled in both front-end and back-end development of web and mobile applications.  We understand the importance of delivering high-quality and user-friendly apps, and our primary goal is to exceed our clients’ expectations.

It is beneficial to develop a web or mobile app for a variety of reasons.  Web and mobile apps provide users with a convenient way to access information and services on the go, as well as to interact with a business.  Additionally, web and mobile apps can improve user engagement, brand recognition, and customer loyalty.  Having an app can also help businesses stay ahead of the competition and increase their visibility in the market.  With the right web and mobile app development services, businesses can create applications that are tailored to their needs and provide a user-friendly experience.

If you are looking for a web or mobile app development service that can deliver results and exceed your expectations, Prelude is the perfect choice. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your web and mobile app development needs.

Increased Revenue

A web or mobile app can help increase your revenues. You can offer new features or products through your app, as well as use it as a platform to promote other products or services.

Faster Development

Prevent issues before they happen with automated daily backups, 24/7 security, plugin and theme updates, and so much more.

Data Collection

Web and mobile apps can be used to collect data from users. This data can be used to gain insights about customer behaviour and preferences, which can then be used to improve the user experience and drive more sales.


Web and mobile apps are easily scalable. As your business grows, you can add more features or products to your app, without having to rebuild the entire app. This helps you keep up with customer demand and remain competitive.

Business Cases for Web & Mobile Apps

  • E-commerce websites and mobile apps have revolutionised the way people shop.  Online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay have paved the way for small businesses to expand their reach, and e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce have made it easier than ever to create an online store.
  • Healthcare providers have been quick to adopt web and mobile app development to improve patient care.  Telemedicine apps allow patients to receive medical consultations from the comfort of their own homes, while fitness tracking apps help people monitor their health and fitness.
  • With the rise of online learning, web and mobile apps have become essential for educators. E-learning platforms such as Udemy and Coursera offer courses on a wide range of topics, and educational apps such as Duolingo make language learning more accessible than ever.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a web application?

A web application is a type of software program that is hosted on a web server and is accessible from any web browser.  It can be used to perform a multitude of tasks, ranging from online shopping, to social networking, to productivity applications.  Not only can web applications be used to perform basic tasks, but they can also be used to create complex systems and applications that can provide users with a customised experience.

Additionally, web applications can be used to create interactive websites and applications that allow users to interact in real-time with the web application.  By making use of modern technologies, web applications can be used to create highly functional, user-friendly web experiences.

What is the difference between web and mobile app development?

Web development is an area of expertise that is focused on creating websites and web applications that can be accessed through a web browser on various devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Additionally, mobile app development is a specialised field of development that focuses on creating native or hybrid applications that can be downloaded and installed on mobile devices.  These applications often include features that make it easier for users to access information and services, such as maps, social media, and other services that are optimised for mobile devices.

What is a hybrid app?

A hybrid app is a type of mobile app that is built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but is packaged as a native app that can be downloaded from an app store.  This type of application offers developers the unique opportunity to create an application that is compatible with multiple platforms, while still being able to access and use native device features.

Also, the ability to take advantage of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allows for a comprehensive application that can be used across multiple devices and platforms. By creating a hybrid app, developers are able to create a unified application that can be used on both iOS and Android devices without having to create separate applications for each platform.  This provides a great opportunity to develop a single application that can be used on multiple devices, while also providing access to the device’s native features.

What are the advantages of web applications over desktop applications?

Web applications have several advantages over desktop applications, including easy accessibility from any device with an internet connection, platform independence which means that applications can be used on different operating systems, automatic updates which ensures that users always have the latest version, and no installation required which eliminates the need for users to download and install the application.

In addition, web applications can be developed and deployed much more quickly than desktop applications, and they are generally more cost effective to maintain. Furthermore, web applications tend to be more secure than desktop applications since they are hosted in a secure environment and can be easily monitored and updated as needed.

What is cloud computing and how does it relate to web application development?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, and other services, over the internet.  It is a form of computing that allows users to access these services remotely, without needing to purchase and maintain the hardware and software themselves.

Cloud computing is often used in web application development to provide a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for hosting and deploying web applications.  In addition, cloud-based services can be used to store, manage and process data, as well as to back up files and applications securely in the cloud.  Cloud computing can also be used to streamline software development, allowing developers to create and deploy applications faster, with less complexity and cost.

What is the process for developing a web or mobile application?

The process of developing a web or mobile application is quite complex and can vary depending on the project requirements, the development team’s methodology, and the objectives of the overall project.

Generally, the steps involved in the process include gathering requirements and understanding the needs of the client, designing the user interface and user experience to ensure that it meets those requirements, developing the front-end and back-end of the application to ensure that it functions properly, testing the application to ensure that it meets the specifications and requirements, and finally deploying the application.

To ensure a successful project outcome, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and design, as well as a good development process and testing methodology.

How long does it take to develop a web/mobile application?

The development timeline for a web application can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the project, the experience level of the development team, and the development methodology being used.

Simple web applications can often be developed in a matter of weeks, while more intricate and feature-rich applications may take months or even up to a year or more to develop.  In addition, the timeline may be subject to change due to unforeseen technical challenges, a lack of resources, or changes in the requirements.

Ultimately, a successful web application requires a well-planned development strategy, flexible timelines, and a quality assurance process to ensure the application meets the customer’s expectations.

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