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Website Hosting

Our web hosting has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of a range of individuals, from bloggers setting up their first WordPress to large eCommerce stores in need of consistent performance and support.

With our web hosting, anything is possible. The initial plan can easily be scaled up to provide more disk space, data transfer, email accounts and as many websites as you need. Whatever your requirements, you’ll find a solution here.

What is Website Hosting?

When a hosting provider allocates space on a web server for a website to store its files, they are hosting a website. Web hosting makes the files that comprise a website (code, images, etc.) available for viewing online. Every website you’ve ever visited is hosted on a server.

Our UK web hosting plans offer fast, reliable and secure hosting for your websites. All of our web hosting packages promise high performance and super fast web hosting with a 99.9% uptime. With our hosting, your site will always be fast, reliable and secure.

Control Panel provides you with a wide range of hosting features and a high level of control to keep your online properties running smoothly. The intuitive user interface and flexible functionality are suitable for both first-time and experienced users.

Fast Cloud Platform

Experience our SSD-based hosting packages with blazing fast performance – no more waiting around for your website to load

Free Migration

Our team of migration experts can help you seamlessly move your existing websites to our web hosting platform

Secure Web Hosting

Your website is in safe, secure hands with our enterprise firewall, Anti-SPAM, DDoS Protection, Imunify AV+ & more

Personal Support

When you need help, our team is ready to answer your call. You’ll receive personal support from our staff, not canned responses

What’s on a Website Hosting?

  • Unlimited Websites with cPanel
  • Unlimited Hosting Bandwidth at 100Mbps
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • WordPress Optimized Servers
  • Automatic Daily Backup
  • Browser-based file manager
  • eCommerce ready (with SSL Certificate)
  • phpMyAdmin database manager
  • 24/7/365 UK-based support
  • Managed Setup & Migration

What is Cloudflare?

CloudFlare is a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) which stores copies of your site’s data in its various datacentres across the globe to ensure that your data is closer to your customers. That means faster loading websites for a superior browsing experience. CloudFlare also offers improved security by blocking known threats to prevent your website being exploited by Malware.

  • Improve your site’s performance by up to 200%
  • Stop hackers attacking your site
  • Always online reliability

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WordPress hosting?

Prelude’s WordPress hosting is a specialized hosting service optimized to meet the performance and security requirements of WordPress websites. It includes features such as one-click WordPress installation, automatic updates, and server configurations tailored for WordPress sites.

What are the benefits of hosting WordPress websites in the UK?

Hosting your WordPress website in the UK with Prelude can offer several benefits, including faster loading times for visitors located in the UK and nearby regions, improved SEO rankings in local search results, and compliance with UK data protection regulations.

What features should I look for in a WordPress hosting service in the UK?

When choosing a WordPress hosting service in the UK, consider factors such as server reliability and uptime, performance optimization (including caching mechanisms), security features (like SSL certificates and malware scanning), customer support quality, and scalability options for future growth. Prelude offers the best of everything mentioned above, and more.

How can I migrate my existing WordPress website to a new hosting provider in the UK?

Most reputable hosting providers offer migration services or tools to assist with transferring your WordPress website, like Prelude does. Alternatively, you can manually migrate your site by backing up your files and database, transferring them to the new hosting account, and reconfiguring your domain settings.

What measures should I take to ensure the security of my WordPress website hosted in the UK?

To enhance the security of your WordPress website, you should regularly update WordPress core, themes, and plugins, implement strong passwords, enable SSL encryption, use security plugins such as Wordfence or Sucuri, and regularly backup your website data. Additionally, consider implementing measures like two-factor authentication and Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) for added protection. We offer all of theese services under our maintenance services.

What is WooCommerce hosting?

WooCommerce hosting is a type of hosting optimized specifically for online stores built on the WordPress platform using the WooCommerce plugin. It offers features like optimized server configurations, scalability for handling high traffic, and additional security measures to protect e-commerce transactions.

Are there any specific requirements for hosting WooCommerce websites in the UK?

Hosting WooCommerce websites in the UK requires similar considerations to WordPress hosting, with additional emphasis on e-commerce-specific features such as payment gateway compatibility, PCI compliance for handling sensitive customer data, and support for scalable resources to accommodate seasonal spikes in traffic. At Prelude, we got you covered on everything.

How can I optimize the performance of my WooCommerce website hosted in the UK?

Performance optimization for WooCommerce websites hosted in the UK can be achieved by using caching mechanisms (e.g., caching plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache), optimizing images and other media files, minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs), and choosing a hosting provider with servers located in or near the UK. Additionally, consider implementing lazy loading for images and optimizing your website’s code and database queries for efficiency.

The Techy Stuff

  • Windows style Desktop
  • 10GB Personal Storage
  • 10GB Shared Storage (per user with a multi-user setting)
  • Data Backed Up Across Multiple Sites
  • ESET Anti-Virus Protection
  • Fully Supported in the UK
  • Managed Setup & Migration

The Legal Stuff

  • Coming soon…